^ = pull-off & hamer-on
~~~ = vibrato
x = dead note
1 o ½ = bend 1 o ½ tone
1- o ½- = bend & release 1 o ½ tone
+1 o +½ = prebend 1 o ½ tone
/ = slide up
\ = slide down
\\ = gliss down
// = gliss up
= artificial harmonic
..... = palm mute
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ 1 1- ~~~~~~
1 1 ½- ~~~~ 1
From here to the mark, I am not very sure that it be
alright. The Delay
hinders a lot the work to the hearing.
|===> ½- 1 +1-
1- . . . . . . . . . . . .
~~~~ Make a motorcycle with your bar\\--|-8-8-17-17----------------|
1 ~~~ 1 |--------------------|----------------------------|-----------------------|
1- ~~~~~~~
joue également ..