Tuning: Dropped D (D A D G B e)
0:00 Intro
Played during solo
Solo with Wah-wah
End of song
h = hammer-on | = bar
p = pull-off || = double bar
b = bend ||* = repeat start
r = bend release *|| = repeat end
/ = slide up/down *| = double bar (end)
[5] = nat. harmonic ! = repeat beat (¼,8th)
<5> = art. harmonic !! = repeat beat (16th)
~ = vibrato % = repeat measure
tr = trill : = bar (freetime)
T = tap du = tremolo bar dip
TP = trem. picking d = tremolo bar down
PM = palm muting u = tremolo bar up
S = slap ud = tremolo bar inverted dip
P = pop = = hold (bend or tremolo bar)
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