. - palm mute ~ - vibrato
h - hammer on p - pull off
Tuning: Eb(Eb,Ab,Db,Gb,Bb,Eb) every string down half a step
Note: A nice simple song, but I love the main riff in this song, I could
play it for hours on end!
Riff A
|----------------------------------------| GTR I
|----------------------------------------| GTR II
Play Riff A 6 times(note that GTR II might end after 2 times, but
(to tell, so I say play it and make it more full
Play Fill 1 the last 4 times of Riff A
Fill 1
Riff B
. . . .
Play Riff B a total of 4 times
Play Riff A 4 times and on last two times play Fill 1
|--0~-------| GTR II(violently shake with whammy)
|--2--------| GTR I
joue également ..