Chord definitions (Tuned to Eb):
G : 320033
Em-ish : 022033
C-ish : 032033
Dsus/F#(?): 200233
Hold your pinky and ring finger on the third fret on the high E
and B strings (where they will stay for the entire duration of the
song) while your middle and index finger pick out the notes
on the A and low E.
All around me, I see what weakness has made
Too much tomorrow, I think I'll take all today
Am I a poison, am I a thorn in your side
Am I a picture perfect subject tonight
I don't need nobody
I don't need the weight
of words to find a way
to crash on through
I don't need nobody
I just need to learn
the depth or doubt of faith
to fall into
Here I slumber, to awaken my daze
I find convenience in this savior I save
am I a prison, am I a source of dire news
am I a picture perfect reason for you
G C-ish Em-ish Dsus/F#
And in this time of substitute
It's my needs I've answered to (all the while)
And the hope that I invest
still turns to signals of distress (all the while)
(Long-winded strings portion of song)
Em-ish, Dsus/F#, G, C-ish <----- (Begin the progression on the "Oooo" part)
Ooooo, you're all I need
Ooooo, when the water runs deep
Ooooo, you're all I need
Ooooo, now I cry my soul to sleep
You're all I need
You're all I need
joue également ..