Tuning:D, tune every string down one step
. - palm mute / - slide up to
\ - slide down to ~ - vibrato
h - hammer on b - bend
p - pull off Suffixes for bend
t - tap with finger f - full bend h - half bend
() - ghost note r - release t - tap bend
* - see comment p - pick when bent
Riff A
Play Riff A 8 times
Riff B
Play Riff B 4 times
Riff C
Play Riff C 2 times
Riff D
continuation of above riff (end of Riff D)
Play Riff D twice(* stop here at the second time)
Riff E
Riff F
Play Riff F 4 times
Riff G
Play Riff G a total of 8 times
under solo 1
end of under solo 1
under solo 2
end of under solo 2
play under solo 1
play under solo 2 but sounds like he hits the 5th now and then
play under solo 1
play under solo 2 but sounds like he hits the 5th now and then
Riff H, play twice
Play Riff H
Play Riff A, Riff B, Riff C, *Riff D, Riff E, and Riff G the correct amount
of times
*Minor detail. When Riff D repeats at the end of the first measure vibrato
the note extra hard
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