1 & 2 & (3) & 4 & (1) & 2 & (3) & 4 &
note difference vvvvvvv
1 & 2 & (3) & 4 & (1) & 2 & (3) & 4 &
i cant remember if this repeats again before the words, but anyway
its basically the same thing for the rest of the intro.
| Lady Love... | Never smiles... |
| So lend your love | To me a while |
| Do with me | What you will |
| Break the spell | Take your fill |
and so on... this might be from another verse, but i think its the first
On and on we rode the storm
The flame has died but the fire lives on (???)
Oh this empty bed is a night alone
I realized that long ago (and the heavy metal part comes in)
and so and so forth.... enough for a while?
oh, and this little tidbit:
the beginning of the solo ("solo?")
is just the b string at fret 5,
picked rapidly and gradually bent up a step.
bet you couldnt figure that out.
hope this helps.
joue également ..