Drop D tuning low to high (d a d g b e)
This song is fairly easy and fun to play, two and a half simple riffs and they just repeat themselves ^_^ I’
~ = Vibrato % = Rest h = Hammer on
Intro (some kind of effect)
D |--------------|
A |2~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
D |--------------|
Riff A
D |-2-1---------------|-----------------------|
A |-----0-2-%-2-2-(X4)|-------4h0-%-------4h0-|
D |-------------------|-0h4-%-------0h4-%-----|
Riff B1
G |-------------------0--------------------------|
D |--2-----0-----2-----4-%--2-----0--------------|
A |---2-%-4-4-%---2-%--------2-%-4-4-%-----------|
D |-0-----------0----------0-----------0-%-0h1h2-|
Riff B2
G |-------------------0--------------------------|
D |--2-----0-----2-----4-%--2-----0--------------|
A |---2-%-4-4-%---2-%--------2-%-4-4-%-----------|
D |-0-----------0----------0-----------0-%-2-0h1-|
Intro X1
Riff A X4
Riff B1 X1
Riff B2 X1
Riff A X2
Riff B1 X1
Riff B2 X1
Riff A X2
Riff B1 X1
Riff B2 X1
Riff A X6 (start to fade out 5th time playing riff)
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