Time Signature : 4/4
[ ] chords played by Synthetiser
[Am/C] Synth plays [Am] while Bass plays (C)
All along the song a distorted guitar follows the bass
with power chords (for instance, here playing [C5])
Calling All Stations (Banks/Rutherford)
¦---sl¦.-7-5----5-7----- sl¦.-5-7---7--- 1 -sl¦2----7-5---¦
[F/E] [Em] [Dm/E]
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
[Am/E] [Em]
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
¦-------------------¦------ sl-.-7-5-----5-¦7------sl-.-5-7--¦
¦ (Second Guitar) scratch
[E] Calling all [Am/E]stations [Esus2]
[Esus2/B]Can anybody [Bm]tell me,
long bend
[D/B] tell me exactly where I [Bm6]am
[D/B] I've lost all sense of di[Bm6]rection [D/G]
[Bm/G]Watching the darkness [D/G]closing around me
[Bm/G]Feeling the cold all through my [D/G]body
That's why I'm [Am]calling all stations
In the [C/A]hope that someone hears me
[Em] A single lonely voice
[Am6-5/E] [Em]
¦ (Second Guitar, with Clean Tone)
[Am6-5/E] [Em]
I feel the sensation disappearing
[Am6-5/E] There's a tingling in my [Em]arms
[Am6-5/E] long bend
¦-------- 1/2¦-----------------------------¦1--------¦
And there's a numbness in my [Em]hands
[Am]All the broken [D]promises
[G]All my good intentions don't add [Em]up to very much
And I [F]realise whatever [D]happened,
Whatever [G]happened
[G] [Em]
I remember all the [Bm/E]moments
That I've [C/E]wasted in my [D/E]life
All the [G]things I was [Em/G]always gonna [Bm/G]do [G]
[C/A]Why is it [Am]now [C/A]when it's too [Am]late
That I [Em]finally realise what's im[Em]portant to
To think that [Em/C]everything that's [D/C]dear to me
And is [Em/C]always in my [D/C]heart
Could [Em/D]so easily be [D]taken
And it's [C/D]tearing me a[D]part]
Going [Am]over and over in my [C/A]mind
I [Em]relive it one second at a time
{3 bars of [Em] with synth percussions}
Synth : [F/E] [Em] [F/E] [Em]
¦ .----------¦---------------¦
[E] [C] [Bm/G]
¦----------¦1-------- 1 ----¦-------------¦
[C] [Bm/G]
¦--------- 1 ---- 1¦---------- sl----¦
[C] [Bm/G]
[Am] [D] [Em]
¦------------ 1 ----------¦-------.--.--.-¦12^^^(12)~~~~~---¦
[E]Calling all [Am/E]stations [Esus2] [Esus2/B]
Can anybody [Bm]tell me, [D/B]tell me exactly where
[Bm6]I am
How [D/B]different things look when your [Bm/G]all on
your own [D/G]
[Am]Watching the darkness [C/A]closing all around me
All around [Bsus4]me [B] [Bsus2] [B]
And I [C]look for the [Csus2]feeling
Of your [C]arms to re[Csus2]mind me
Of [G]everything that's [Bm/G]dear to me
And is [Am]always in my [C/A]heart
Could [Bm/D]so easily be [D]taken
And it's [G5/D]tearing me [D]apart
Going [Am]over and over in my [C/A]mind
I [Bsus4]relive it one [B]second at a [Bsus2]time [B]
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