. - palm mute / - slide up to
\ - slide down to ~ - vibrato
h - hammer on b - bend
p - pull off Suffixes for bend
t - tap with fin f - full bend h - half bend
* - see comment r - release t - tap bend
X - percussion mute ~ - vibrato bend
" - tremelo note () - ghost note, sustained note
Tuning: Eb (in otherwords, all strings down 0.5 steps)
|------------------------10-------------| Gtr 1
.... .... .... ....
Riff A
|------------------------10----------------9--------| Gtrs 1+2
.... .... .... .... .... .. ...
Repeat A
Riff B (verse)
|--------------------------------------| Gtrs 1+2
.. .. ...... .. .. ......
Repeat B
Riff C (chorus)
|-----------------------------------------------------------| Gtrs 1+2
Repeat C
Repeat A X2
Repeat B X2
Repeat C X2
Fill 1
|-----------| Gtrs 1+2
.... ....
Riff E1
|--------------------------------------| Gtrs 1+2
|---------------------------random fill-----------|
Repeat E1
Riff E2
|-------------------------------------------------| Gtrs 1+2
.. .. .. .. .......... .. .. ..
Repeat E2 (Gtr 2 only under solo)
Riff F1
|-------------------------------------------| Gtr 2
.... . . .... . . .... . . .... . .
Riff F2
|-------------------------------------------| Gtr 2
.... . . .... . . .... . . .... . .
Repeat F1+F2
Bridge to verse
|--------------------------| Gtrs 1+2
|-7---6-387---Pick slide---|
|------------------| Gtrs 1+2
Repeat B X2
Repeat C X2
|--------------------------| Gtrs 1+2
... ... ... ... ... ....
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