Tuning - (DADF#BE)
Capo on 1st fret
|------6--6-6-3--3-3---6--6-6-0-| Note the slight change in the first chord
with this little fill over the second two parts
Kinda hard to hear cause of that fill over the top but i think it sounds like this
d d u u d u u d u u d u d d u u d u
Play it four times
over the top of the chorus is this little fill
which is played four time as well
And i think i can also here a second guitar playing the 6th fret on the b
with the 1st chorus chord on the 11th fret. i guess you play it by tuning the high E
up a step
playing it open but i cant be bothered
Play the second part part of the intro (the bit with the fill) twice
Verse 2
Same as the first verse
Same as the first chorus
Play the verse and then the chorus as rhythm for the solo
Play the chorus line 6x and you are done
joue également ..