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|-------------------------0---|-13p12p10----12p10----------10------------ |
for space saving (and hand cramping) I've left out the 2nd guitar part
I'm just putting in the main guitar in the song. The second guitar
is usually just pedaling a note or a 5 chord for the heavyiness.
End A
1 1/2
Pedal A5 for 7 bars
1 1/2
hold bend
1 1/2
1 1/2
Trading "fours" with keyboards
play 2x 1/2
keys 4bars
guitar solo
1/2 1/2
keyboard solo
Guitar solo
1/2 2hold
|--click-------|-----4--2-----1--------|descending piano & synth
|----4---------|--3--------3-----2-----|to fade out
h = hammeron Judy Letostak
p = pulloff Internet letostak@ix.netcom.com
/\ = slide Fidonet 1:202/762
x = ghost note MetalNet 282:100/2
t = tap (right hand) The Music Shop BBS (619)423-4970 24hrs
~ = vibrato * = picked harmonic
bf = bend full tr = trill
rb = release bend p.s. = pick scrape
dive = dive with bar b = bend / step written over note
= repeat bar + = natural harmonic
joue également ..