Transcribed by: jiboo92
G1 Intro (Part A) 4x
G2 Comes in the 2nd time through and just plays little fillers.
G2 Intro (Part A) 3rd and 4th time thru
G1 Intro (part B) 2x
G2 Intro (Part B) 2x (In unison w/ part G1)
(Note: there's a little variation 2nd time thru, but basically the same)
G1 Intro (Part C)
G1 Intro (Part C cont.)
G2 Intro (Part C) (In unison with G1)
G2 Intro (Part C cont)
Verse G2 (G1 is playing its intro Part A part in between singing)
"Rip off all my limbs, poke out both my eyes, pull out my swollen tongue,
wear a thin disguise..." and so on (that is for both guitars)
Then it goes back to Intro Part C for both guitars, verse, chorus, intro
part C, intro part B, and then
(the notes between the vertical bars are G1's)
(Something like this anyway, I have no idea)
I know, its not finished yet. I’ll finish it someday. This should be enough to keep you busy for a while anyway.
Last Verse (one just adds a few notes here and there, the other plays this)
joue également ..