Tune Down 1 & 1/2 Steps
C# F# B E G# C#
Tempo = 60 BPM
Time Signature = 4/4
Version 1.2
(Corrections Outlined at Bottom of Tab)
Tablature Symbols Used:
P.M... - Palm Mute
p - Pull-Off
h - Hammer-On
(/) - Legato Slide (Blank space indicates length of slide)
\ - Slide Down to/Down From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
/ - Slide Up To/Up From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
( ) - Ghost Note/Tied Note/Implied Note
REST - Rest and sustain rest for duration of blank space
|_3_| - Triplet notes
Rest for 1 bar (the tempo of this one and only bar is 40 BPM)
Riff 1: Guitars 1 & 2 with heavy distortion (Play once) [Tempo = 60 BPM]
1 2 3
4 5 6
* From here on, the tempo is 70 BPM
7 8 9
10 11 12
13 14 15
16 17 18
19 20 21
22 23 24
25 26 27
28 29 30
31 32
Riff 2: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play twice)
|-------------------------|--------------------| |
|-------------------------|--------------------| |
|--0------0-0-0-3----2----|--3--------5--------| |
|-------------------------|-----------3--------| |
After the first repeat, bar 4 is replaced with the following:
Both guitars play this riff, but only guitar 1 plays the 4th bar as it is shown
in the main riff's tab. Guitar 2 plays the bar as outlined in the footnote at
all times.
Riff 3a: Guitar 1 (Play twice) [Tempo = 70 BPM]
|---------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |
|---------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |
|--2---5-5-5h7-7~~-(7)\2-2h3-2----|--2---5-5-5h7-7~-(7)\2-3-2-5-3-2---| |
|--0----------------------------3-|--0------------------------------3-| |
Riff 3b: Guitar 2 (Play once)
Riff 4: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play 4 times) [Tempo = 75 BPM]
|---------------------------|--------------------|--------R -----------|
|---------------------------|--------------------|--------E -----------|
|---------------------------|--2-----------------|--------S -2---------|
|--(3/ 5)----(5)\-3----5----|--2--------------2--|--2--2--T ------2----|
... ...
|-----------------------|----------------------| |
|-----------------------|----------------------| |
|--3----------5--3--2h3-|--2------2--3----5----| |
|-----------------------|---------0--1----3----| |
Guitars 1 & 2 play riffs 3a + 3b, conforming to their respective repeats
Riff 5a: Guitar 1 (Play once)
* Let ring wherever possible *
| |---------------------------------------|
| |---------------------------------------|
| |---------------------------------------|
..... ..... .....
..... ..... .....
Riff 5b: Guitar 2 (Play once)
* Let ring wherever possible *
..... ..... .....
..... ..... .....
Riff 6a: Guitar 1 (Play twice)
|--4h 5------------------------------------4h5-|
|--------------------------------------------------------| |
|--------------------------------------------------------| |
|--------------------------------------------------------| |
|--------------------------------------------------------| |
Riff 6b: Guitar 2 (Play according to the repeats outlined below)
* Let notes ring wherever possible *
Part 1:
|------------------------------------------------| |
|------------------------------------------------| |
|--5---5-5-5-5---5-5-5-5----5-5-5-(5\4)--4-(4/5)-|*| X 2
|--3---3-3-3-3---3-3-3(3\2)-2-2-3----------------| |
|------------------------------------------------| |
Part 2:
|--5---5-5-5-5---5-5-5-5----5-5-5-5--5--5--|| X 1
Part 1 x 1:
Part 2 x 1:
Part 3:
|--5---5-5-5-5---5-5-5-5----5-----5--5------|| X 1
..... ..... ... ...
Riff 7a: Guitar 1 (Play once)
Riff 7b: Guitar 2 (Play twice)
* Let notes ring wherever possible *
... ...
|-----------------------------------------| |
|-----------------------------------------| |
|--3---3-3-3-3---3-3-3-3---3-3-3-0--4--5--| |
|-----------------------------------------| |
..... ..... .....
Guitars 1 & 2 play riff 2 twice
Riff 8a: Guitar 1 (Play once)
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 12
13 14
15 16
17 18
19 20 *
|------------R- -||
|------------E- -||
|------------S- -||
|--7--7--7\--T- -||
* During this bar, the tempo gradually decreases to 60 BPM
Riff 8b: Guitar 1 (Play according the the repeats outlined below)
Part 1:
|--2----4----5----7------|| X 1
Part 2:
... ...
|----------------------------|------------------------| |
|----------------------------|------------------------| |
|--2--------(4/5)----4-------|--2----4----5----7------|*| X 4
|--0----0-2-(2/3)----2--5----|--0----2----3----5--2h3-| |
|-----------------------3----|------------------------| |
* During the last repeat of this bar the tempo gradually decreases to 60 BP
When you've repeated the last part 4 times, finish the song on the following:
|------------R- -||
|------------E- -||
|------------S- -||
|--7--7--7\--T- -||
Tab summary: Riff 1 x 1
Riff 2 x 2
Riff 3a x 2 + Riff 3b x 1
Riff 4 x 4
Riff 3a x 2 + Riff 3b x 1
Riff 5a + 5b x 1
Riff 6a x 2 + Riff 6b:
Part 1 x 2
Part 2 x 1
Part 1 x 1
Part 2 x 1
Part 3 x 1
Riff 7a x 1 + Riff 7b x 2
Riff 2 x 2
Riff 8a x 1 + Riff 8b:
Part 1 x 1
Part 2 x 4
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