Tune Down 1 & 1/2 Steps
C# F# B E G# C#
Tempo = 70 BPM
Time Signature = 4/4
Version 1.3
(Corrections Outlined at Bottom of Tab)
Tablature Symbols Used:
P.M... - Palm Mute
p - Pull-Off
h - Hammer-On
A.H - Artificial Harmonic/Pinch Harmonic
(/) - Legato Slide (Blank space indicates length of slide)
\ - Slide Down to/Down From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
/ - Slide Up To/Up From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
( ) - Ghost Note/Tied Note/Implied Note
REST - Rest and sustain rest for duration of blank space
~~ - Vibrato
|_3_| - Triplet Notes
Intro 1.1: Guitar 1 with heavy distortion (Play 4 times)
| |--------------| |----------|----------|----------|----------------------| |
| |--------------| |----------|----------|----------|----------------------| |
|4|--3-(3)-3--2--|4|-(2)------|-(2)------|-(2)------|-(2)------3-(3)-3--2--| |
| |--------------| |--0-------|-(0)------|-(0)------|-(0)------------------| |
Play the first 2/4 bar once only.
Intro 1.2: Guitar 3 with clean tone (Play once)
*Let notes ring wherever possible*
This riff plays over the last two repeats of guitar 1's part.
Intro 1.3: Guitar 2 with heavy distortion (Play once)
||--R -------------||
||--E -------------||
||--S -2--2--2--2--||
||--T -3--3--3--2--||
Play this bar durinng the last bar of guitar 1 and 3's parts.
Riff 1a: Guitar 1 (Play once through)
|--------2h 4----2----4--|--(4)--5--2-------2-(2)----|--------2h 4----2----4--|
|--(4)--5--2-------2-(2)----|--------2-2h4----2----4h | 5----------------5-|
Riff 1b: Guitar 2 (Play twice)
|-------------------|-------------------------| |----------|
|-------------------|-------------------------| |----------|
|--2----------------|--(2)--------3-(3)-3--2--| |--2-------|
|--0----------------|--(0)--------------------| |--0-------|
Ignore the last bar until the end
Riff 2a: Guitar 1 (Play once through)
| |------------------------------|--------------------------------|
| |------------------------------|--------------------------------|
| |------------------------------|--------------------------------|
|-------------------------------| |---------------------|---------------------|
|-------------------------------| |---------------------|---------------------|
|-(2)-------------2h3----2------|4|-3------------2--(3/ | 5)----------3--2--3-|
|-------------------------------| |---------------------|---------------------|
| |------------------------------|--------------------------------|
| |------------------------------|--------------------------------|
| |------------------------------|--------------------------------|
|-------------------------------| |---------------------|---------------------||
|-------------------------------| |---------------------|---------------------||
|-(2)-------------2h3----2------|4|-3------------2--(3/ | 5)----------3--2--0-||
|-------------------------------| |---------------------|---------------------||
Riff 2b: Guitar 3 (Play twice)
*Let notes ring wherever possible*
|--------------------------| |
|--------------------------| |
|--5-----5-----------5-----| |
|--------------------------| |
Riff 3: Guitars 1 and 2 (Play 8 times) [Tempo = 90 BPM]
*Let notes ring wherever possible*
| |-----------0--------|--------------------|-------------------|
| |--------------------|--------------------|----------6--------|
| |--------------------|--------------------|-------------------|
|--7-----7\ 5-----5--|-----3---------3--|--------------3--|
|------------------|-----------------| |
|------------------|--0--------------| |
|--0---------------|-----------------| |
|------------------|-----------------| |
Guitars 1 and 2 play riff 1a and 1b, with variations shown for guitar 1 below
| |-------------------------|---------------------------|
| |-------------------------|---------------------------|
| |--0----------------------|---------------------------|
|--------2-2h4----2----4h | 5--2-------2-(2)----|
|--------2-2h4----2----4h | 5----------------5-|
|--------2-2h4----2----4h | 5----------------5-|
Riff 4: Guitars 1 and 2 (Play 10 times)
||-----------------------|-------------------------------| |
||-----------------------|-------------------------------| |
||--7\ --2----10\ --2----|--12---10--9--9h10p9------6----| |
||-------0----------0----|---------------------7---------| |
P.M ...
Lead Riff 1: Guitar 4 with heavy distortion (Play once)
This part plays during the last 6 repeats of riff 4, and the last bar crosses
into riff 5
Riff 5a: Guitar 1 (Play 4 times)
.... ....
|--5--------8-7-8--8--10\ ||
Riff 5b: Guitar 2 (Play once through)
|--0--0---------------------|--5--------8-7-8--8--10\ |
|--2--2-----2--3~~----2h3p2-|--7--------10-9-10--10--12\ |
|--0--0---------------------|--5--------8--7-8---8---10\ |
|--0--0---------------------|--5--------8-7-8--8--10\ |
|--2--2-----2--3~~----2h3p2-|--7--------10-9-10--10--12\ ||
|--0--0---------------------|--5--------8--7-8---8---10\ ||
Lead Riff 2: Guitar 4 (Play once, entering on the last 8 bars of Riffs 5a + 5b)
||--R- -----------------|------------------------------------|
||--E- -----------------|-----9-7-9----10--9h10p(9\7)-9--10\-|
||--S- -10-9-10-12-10-9-|--7---------------------------------|
||--T- -----------------|------------------------------------|
|--R- -----------------|-------------------------------|
|--E- -----------------|-------------------------------|
|--S- -10-9-10-12-10-9-|--7-------7-10---9h(10/12)---7\|
|--T- -----------------|-------------------------------|
|--R- -----------------|------------------------------------|
|--E- -----------------|-----9-7-9----10--9h10p(9\7)-9--10\-|
|--S- -10-9-10-12-10-9-|--7---------------------------------|
|--T- -----------------|------------------------------------|
|--R- -----------------|------------------------------|--------------||
|--E- -----------------|------------------------------|--------------||
|--S- -10-9-10-12-10-9-|--7----(7)\5-7-(9/10)----9----|--10----------||
|--T- -----------------|------------------------------|--------------||
Guitar 1 plays riff 3 thirteen times
Guitar 2 plays riff 3 four times, and then plays the following 9 times
.... .... .... ....
|-------------------|----------------------| |
|-------------------|----------------------| |
|--3--3--3----3--3--|--5--5-5-5--5--5-5-5--| |
|--1--1--1----1--1--|--3--3-3-3--3--3-3-3--| |
.... .... ..... .....
Lead Riff 3: Guitar 4 (Play once through)
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 A.H 8 9
10 11
12 13
14 |__3_| 15 16
|--10--9h10p9-----12--10--9--|--(5/ 7)--9--10--12--10--|--9------9------|
17 18 19
20 21 22
23 |_3_| 24 25 26
27 28
29 30 |__3_| 31
|-----------7--9--|--10--9h10p9-----12--10--9--|--(5/ 7)--9--10--12--10--|
32 33 34
|--9------9------|--------------10--|--9--10----9\ --(5/ |
35 36 37
| 7)------7--9--10--|--10----------9-10-|-----------------10--|
38 39 40
|--7~~----------|--7\ 7--9--10--12--10--|--9-------------10--9--|
// End \\
This part enters on the fifth repeat of riff 3
Guitars 1 and 2 end on the following:
Tab summary: Intro 1.1 X 4 + Intro 1.2 X 1 + Intro 1.3 X 1
Riff 1a X 1 + Riff 1b X 2
Riff 2a X 1 + Riff 2b X 2
Riff 3 X 8
Riff 1a X 1 + Riff 1b X 2
Riff 4 X 10 + Lead Riff 1 X 1
Riff 5a X 4 + Riff 5b X 1 + Lead Riff 2 X 1
Riff 3 X 13 (With Additional Riff for Guitar 2)
Lead Riff 3 X 1
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