Eb5 B5 C#5 F#5 E5
Chords: e|------|------|------|------|------|
No distortion or band:
Intro: Eb5 B5 x4
Verse 1:
Eb5 B5 Eb5 B5 Eb5 B5 Eb5 B5
Kelsea won't you come out to play
Eb5 B5 Eb5 B5 Eb5 B5 Eb5 B5
I got my bicycle today
Eb5 B5
My father bought it for me
He says it cost him money
he's got a man in China
Who says he get them cheaply
Its got a magic handle
Its got a chromed up fender
Its got a sprocket card and
Its got some super powers
C#5 B5
What a pretty bicycle she said
F#5 E5 x2
I want one just like that
Eb5 B5 x4 w/distortion and band
Amiri won't you hear my song
I make it up as I go along
Its about a man in China
Who's got a wife and family
He sells his stuff for money
To feed his starving family
They got them 15 babies
There's not a girl among them
He's got some super powers
He's got some super powers
Chorus 2:
What a pretty song he said
I want one just like that
What a pretty bicycle he said
I want one just like that
Solo: chords Eb5 B5
1 3 4 1 & 2
1 3 4 1 & 2 3 4 do repeat x8
Chorus 1
Verse 3: Bass and Drums only
Kelsea won't you come out tonight
Your body's burning just like mine
These are the things I brought you
These are the words I taught you
You've got a phony body
I want to touch so badly
I want to get so dirty
I want to give you money
I want to take your body
Tell me I know
Last Chorus:
Got a pretty song she said
I want one just like that x4
C#5 B5 F#5 E5
Iii Iii Iii Iii
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|7~7~7~-| % %|--8~8~~----| x2
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1 2 3 4
|--------------| |--11~----|
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|--7--4--5-----| x4 |---------| to the end
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