Intro Chords
Am C G Dm
|------1-0-------1-0------1-0--------------------------------------| Repeat under
|--------------------------------2---------------------------------| Intro solo
Intro Solo (A lot of slides, makes it sound v.sweet).
Main Riff (Sounds close but not deep enough on my 6 string) (All x2)
|- 000-0-000-0-000-7----7-8-------8--------------------------------|
| 000-0-000-0-000-10-----10-9------9-------------------------------|
| 000-0-000-0-000-7-----7-8-------8--------------------------------|
''For we will not conform/We're ghosts in the machine''
Intro chords come in with the soft singing again.
Post chords solo--
|-------------------------11h13p11h13p11 \ 9-------9h11-------------|
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