Key: D mixolydian (D E F# G A B C).
Tom: ---7 p 5 h 7 p 5 h 7 p 5 h 7 p 5 h 7-------|
---7 p 5 h 7 p 5 h 7 p 5 h 7 p 5 h 7-------|
Richard: -------------------------------------------|
---7 p 5 h 7 p 5 h 7 p 5 h 7 p 5 h 7-------|
Tom: ---7 p 5 h 7 p 5 h 7 p 5 h 7 p 5 h 7-------|
Richard: -------------------------------------------|
Little scale part:
Play 3x last time
Tom: --------------10-8-7------|-----10-8-7-------------|
Richard: Em C Am Am
I misremember the chords under this scale, so check them.
Then the Life in the hive... part (listen to vocal):
|D C|, with someone playing notes from the D mixolydian scale (Tom?),
ended with Gmaj7 chord and the following riff (Tom?):
Tom: ------------8-p-7--------------------------|
The first solo (Tom) is a set of three scales with pauses in between, played
with alone, each in D mixolydian. The first starts on 15th fret D on the
B string and ends on 9th fret F# on the A string. It covers all notes in
between. The second starts on 10th fret A on the B string and goes to
5th fret D on the A string (then slides to 9th fret F#). Listen closely to
the song to catch the repeats. I don't have a guitar here, so I can't
check it to be sure and can't exactly remember what to do here. :(
The third part is:
Tom: -----19-19-19-19-17-15-17-19-17-15-17-19-17-15-17---22----|
("v" indicates staccato with pause)
Tom: ------------8-p-7--------------------------|
Second verse..., same as the first.
Second solo is over the main riff and is in D mixolydian. It starts slowly
and builds to a massive climax. The solo is one massive improv--Tom goes
pretty crazy through this part. Afterwards there are some chords, but I
can't remember what they are--nothing complicated, however.
joue également ..