Tuning: Drop C (Cb/B#?)
(open 6th & 4th strings should be tuned
to match the pitch of the breakdowns)
I learned this song in a few hours by ear.
I copy and pasted then corrected a few
mistakes from the other tabs of this song.
I'm pretty sure it's 98% accurate now.
You can figure out all the breakdowns by ear,
it's too difficult to tab them accurately.
Just palm mute the open 4th (If you prefer),
5th, and 6th strings and play along with the song.
x - Mute String
~ - Hold note out
* - Palm Mute
<>- Harmonic
h - Hammer on
p - Pull off
Vocals start...
...Turns into a breakdown
Repeat all that stuff as necessary
First technical riff:
(This is a little messy, I don't think I tabbed this right)
(Lead Guitar)
-3-3-3---7-7-7--| repeat x 4
(Rhythm Guitar)
(Listen to the song
for the correct rhythm)
...Then into a breakdown
The little squeal thing during this breakdown
is called a pinch harmonic, you play this...
playing the breakdown... |-0------0-| ...breakdown continues
|-0------0-| (this is where the
|-0-^-0-| double bass roll starts)
...and you bend the string to make the pitch go up about 1 or 2 half steps
Second Technical Riff:
(Kinda messy again, I don't think it's totally right.
But it's a little better than the first technical riff)
|------7---7h8p7------------10-8----7h8p7------| repeat x 4
* *
Weird middle transition almost breakdown kinda thing?
(I dunno what to call it, but you'll know it when you hear/play it):
* * * * * * * * *
Repeat as necessary, listen to the song to get the correct rhythm down
Little transition riff (Just Guitar):
...Goes back into breakdown
Transitions/guitar fillers throughout the
song that I might have forgotten to add in:
(Guitar 1)
(Guitar 2)
Final Riff:
Repeat that as necessary
joue également ..