He only uses about 4 riffs the entire song.
He uses a slight delay during the intro. You can play this intro many ways
for instance, you can do the entire intron on the E string, but its easier
if you do it like this:
E ----17--15h17--13h15--------------------------------------------------
B ----------------------17h18--15h17--14--14h15p14----------------------
G ---------------------------------------------------14-----------------
D ----------------------------------------------------------------------
A ----------------------------------------------------------------------
D ----------------------------------------------------------------------
E ----------------------------------------------------------------------
B ----------------------------------------------------------------------
G ----------------------------------------------------------------------
D ---8--8-8----0-0-0--7-7-7-7----8-8-8-8--0-0-0--7-7-7-7----------------
A ---8--8-8----0-0-0--7-7-7-7----8-8-8-8--0-0-0--7-7-7-7----------------
D ---8--8-8----0-0-0--7-7-7-7----8-8-8-8--0-0-0--7-7-7-7----------------
The verse is very simple, it is just variations of the opening lick:
E ---15h17---15h17---15---15h17---------------
That kinda stuff
That is pretty much it, he playes each riff a few more times and thats the whole song!
Questions, comments, and please no nasty emails telling me i'm wrong. if you are so right
why dont you just make a tab for it. ;-) email me at tylersartin@hotmail.com
joue également ..