hey you guy this thing is like superhard so pay attention.The chord names at the top are where your
fingers ought to be. I just pull off my ring finger for the A minor bit.
Now, I hate it when people tab a song and then don't put the chord
fingerings, and assume you know what Fm#7sus4add7 is, so I am going to
tab out these chords as a statement to all you boneheads out there.
So there.
Em - 022000 Putting this bit in takes around 10-20 seconds and
Am - x02210 saves the reader about three hours of hunting for
G - 320003 Am6#add7. My only hope is that you will tab out
B - x24442 chords yourself when you make a tablature.
Pretty please!
INTRO Em -> Am -> Am -> B Em
E|-----|------------------------------------------| Repeat the stuff
B|-----|o-------------1---------1----------------o| between the little
G|-----|-------0----2---2-0---2---2-0-------------| repeat bar things
D|-----|----2----2----------2---------2---4-------| and that's the
A|2-0--|o-----2-------------------------2---2----o| verse thing. I put
E|----3|--0-----------------------------------0---| the lyrics and
chords below, so
just time it with
those, and change
finger positions
Note: after Am, in the lyrics, it goes to with the ones in
Em, that's the pulloff on your ring finger. the lyrics (Use
So, keep yer hand in the Am position. the lyircs below).
I put the finger
positions in my
Okay, when you go into the chorus, just strum, it gives it a nice effect.
Maybe go distorted and do G5 (355xxx), B5 ((x244xx)or(755xxx)), and
E5 (022xxx). Then, keep it distorted, and do that verse riff above, as
like a little mini solo. Bear in mind, I'm still new to this. Well, that's
all for now. You can find the real solo to "People are Strange" on the
OLGA, which is God's gift to guitarists.
Here are the lyrics which I got.
Match the riff above with
the chords on the lyrics.
Em Am Em
People are strange When you're a stranger
Am Em B Em
Faces look ugly When you're alone
(End riff, then start it over on "Women")
Em Am Em
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
Am Em B Em
Streets are uneven when you're down
Em G B
When you're strange faces come out in the rain
When you're strange no one remembers your name
when you're strange when you're strange
B (Start intro and riff here)
when you're strange All right yeah
People are Strange
from Strange Days
This transciption is an amendment to those posted by Glen Word and
Serge Belongie (sergeb@caltech.edu).
It works best when played with two guitars. Start
the song off with one guitar playing the tab I have listed
below. At the chorus bring in a second guitar such that both are
strumming the chords as suggested by Glen Word. Go back to the verse
and have the second guitar strumming while the first guitar plays
the tab. At the chorus, again have both guitars strumming. Now the
guitar solo. Guitar 2 strums the chords to the verse as before while
guitar one plays the solo posted and transcribed by Serge Belongie.
Finally, go back to chorus with both guitars strumming.
|--3--| indicates the three notes above are tripplets. If you don't
read enough music to know this rythum don't worry about it.
It is not that important.
A7 -0- B7 -2-
-2- -4-
-0- -2-
-2- -4-
-0- -2-
-0- -2-
Em A7
People are strange when you're a stran-ger
A7 B Em
faces look ug-ly when you're al-one.
Em A7
Wo-men seem wick-ed When you're un-wanted
A7 B Em
Streets look un- even When you're down. When you're
People are strange
When you're a stranger
Faces look ugly
When you're alone
Women seem wicked
When you're unwanted
Streets are uneven
When you're down
When you're strange
G B7
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
G B7
No one remembers your name
When you're strange
When you're strange
When you're strange
joue également ..