Drop C tuning for this song, they sometimes use drop b in other songs but this one is
c and i'm positive.
The first guy who tabbed this song was Jon Kunz, he didn't tab out the solo though so i
that i would tab it out. So I tried to email him and i didn't get a respond back to put
solo in his song, and i've waited for about a week so im just gonna tab it.
ALSO NOTE: In the solo of the song there are 3 *'s, this being because this part of the
i can't tab out the whole thing cause it's big but in the song it stops at the point
i stopped on and then it continues through the solo. Hope this isn't confusing for anybody.
NOTE: The first tab part that im gonna do is the (1:09) part in the song which Jon Kunz
tab out either so i'm gonna tab that part out first.
this continues ...
then this continues after ^ that part at (1:16)
Gtr 1:
|---0------0-------| play that the whole time
Gtr 2:
Solo (1:22)Gave me some trouble at first, seeing that it was kinda palm muted and low in
beginning bow i got it.
pm pm pm
Play this fast .. (1:24) NOTE: LOOK AT THE TOP FOR INFORMATION ON THE 3 *'S
The fun part
|------------------------------------|2 x's 1st part, 1 time the second part
ph = pinch harmonic |
h = hammer on |
~ = vibrato |
v = a lot of vibrato|
joue également ..