Notation: When two guitars are listed play all guitars simultaneously.
b = full bend \ = slide down ah = artificial
h = hammer-on / = slide up harmonic
p = pull-off . = palm mute
Intro Riff A
(End of Intro Riff A)
Intro Riff B (listen to the song, then you'll know how to play it)
|----------------------------------------------------------------------| GTR I
| ____|
|-------9-------9-------9-------9-------9-------9-------9-------9-| GTR II
Play Intro Riff A again with these notes in the beginning.
Riff C sweep
|--------------------12------------12-11-9-11-12-11~ah-------| GTR I
| . . . . |
|---------------12-9~----------------------------------------| GTR II
. . . .
(continuation of Riff C)
|-------------------------------------------------------------| GTR I
| . . . .
|--------------9------/11----12p11-9----11~\------------------| GTR I
. . . .
(continuation of Riff C) (Remember note about timing here)
|-------------------------------------------------------------| GTR I
| . . . . |
|--------------9----------------------------------------------| GTR II
. . . .
(continuation of Riff C) (end of Riff C)
|---------------------12-----------12-11-9-11-12-11ah~--------| GTR I
| . . . . |
|---------------12-9~--------------12-11-9-11-12-11ah~--------| GTR II
. . . .
Riff D
. . .
(continuation of Riff D)
|------------------------------| GTR I
| |
|------------------------------| GTR II
. . . . . .
(continuation of Riff D)
|-----------------------------| GTR I
| |
|-----------------------------| GTR II
. . . . . .
Play Riff D again (with vocals) for a total of 2 times
When vocals start, guitar II plays the following:
|-----9----------9-----------9---------9-7------9-| GTR II
. . .
and continues playing Riff D the same as above.
Riff E (end of Riff E)
|-------------------------------------------------------------| GTR I &
|-5-------------5------4-----2--------------2--------0--2-----| GTR II
............. ...... ..... .............. ......
Play Riff E 3 times for a total of 4 times
Riff F (let ring)
|-------------------9---9---11--11\-----------------9---9---9-------| GTR I
| |
|-12-------11-------9-------7-------12------7-------9-------9-------| GTR II
(continuation of Riff F)
|----------------------------------------------------------------| GTR I
| |
|-12-------11-------9---------7--------12--------7-------9-------| GTR II
(continuation of Riff F)
|-----------------------| GTR I
| |
|-9------9------9-------| GTR II
.... ....
(continuation of Riff F)
|---------------------------------12-----11~----12---| GTR I
| |
|---------------------------------11-----11-----11---| GTR II
. . . . . . . . . . .... .... ..
(continuation of Riff F)
|-9~---------9-11-12-11~-----------11/12| GTR I
| |
|-9------9------9----7------7------7----| GTR II
.... .... .. .... .... ..
(continuation of Riff F)
|-12~---------------------12\11---11~-----------11/12| GTR I
| |
|---------------------------------7------7------7----| GTR II
. . . . . . . . . . .... .... ..
(end of Riff F)
|---------------10---9~--------------| GTR I
| |
|-9------9------9----9------9~ah\----| GTR II
.... .... .. ....
Riff G (end of Riff G)
|---------------------------------------------------------| GTR II
GTR II plays Riff E 1 more time for a total of 2 times
Played over Riff G
|-----------12-11~------12-9~------9-11-12-11~-------| GTR I
(continuation) (end)
|-11/12-12~------12\11-11~------11/12-------------------| GTR I
Play Riff E again 2 times
Riff H
|--------------------------------------| GTR I & GTR II
(continuation of Riff H)
|-----------------------------------| GTR I & GTR II
(continuation of Riff H)
|-----------------------------------------------------| GTR I & GTR II
(continuation of Riff H)
|-4-4-7-4-7-4-7-4-66666666-4-7-4-7-4-| GTR I
| |
|------------------------------------| GTR II
(continuation of Riff H)
|-----4---4---4--------------4---4---| GTR I
| |
|------------------------------------| GTR II
(continuation of Riff H) (End of Riff H)
|-----6---6---6--------------6---6-7~---6-4---4~--6-7------| GTR I
| |
|---------------------------------/7~---6-4---4~--6-7------| GTR II
Play Riff C again, starting with the continuation of Riff C
In other words, don't play the first bar!!!
Play Riff D again, with GTR II playing the "vocal part"
Look at Riff D for reference (the harmony stuff)
Play Riff E 4 times
Solo over Riff E (starting the 3rd time)
Play Riff H again
Solo continues over Riff H
|----------------------------------------------------------| GTR II
| |
|----------------------------------------------------------| GTR III
** If someone can figure out the harmony for the rest of the solo
let me know!!
Play Intro Riff A again
Second time GTR II plays the following:
|/9---------------/9------/9---------------/9------/8---------| GTR II
(End of Intro Riff A)
|-------/8------/8---------------/8------| GTR II
|-------------| GTR I & GTR II
. . . .
GTR II plays first two bars of Riff F again following with Riff G
At the end of Riff F (GTR II) there's a slight change:
GTR I plays lead the following over Riff F and G:
|---------------------------------------------------------------| GTR I
|---------------------------------------12-11-----12-9------| GTR I
|-9-11-12-11~-----9-12~-----12-12-11~-----11-12--------------------| GTR I
Play Riff E two times again
The second and last time play the following:
|---------------------------------------------------------------| GTR I &
|-5-------------5------4-----2--------------2--------0-0-2-2----| GTR II
joue également ..