Type-O tuning from low to high (B,E,A,D,F#,B)
{ Most riffs in this song are pretty "dull",
because the song is carried by voice and voice-
samples }
{ top 3 strings is keyboard
before the bass and dist.gtr. fall in do a slow
pick scrape }
{ Very slow and heavy riff (dots are counts...) }
{ Some keyboard (church-organ) chords that are -I think-
used in the verse }
{ The scale Josh uses for that "hypnotic",
"just after the beat" tones in the verse.
|-------9-11-12----------12---- and repeat this ------------|
"Ooh I'm haunted"
| 3 times| 4.|
|-------------------- pick ---|---------------------------|
|-------------------- scrape ---|---------------------------|
"I hate the morning"
Riff during "Pete's poetry"
{For the last couple of minutes of the song with the chanting
vocals on top, play the chorus riff 2 frets higher}
joue également ..