What femmes fan doesn't love this song? This file is my best attempt
at transcribing the guitar parts to this that is arguably the greatest of
Play them along with the lyrics like this:
Why can't I get just one kiss(2x)
believe me there'd be some things that I wouldn't miss
B5 (stop abruptly)
but I look at your pants and I need a kiss
The rhythm is the same for the next verse which goes like this:
Why can't I get just one screw(2x)
believe me I'd know what to do
but something won't let me make love to you
At this point there's a little interlude that's dominated melodically by the
bass. The guitar in the background plays something similar to the verse
figure. Feel free to post it if you want to take the time to figure it out.
Why can't I get just one fuck(2x)
I guess it's got something to do with luck
but I waited my whole life for just one
The chord progression for the chorus is similar to the verse:
B5 A B5
Day...after day...I get angry...and I will say...that the day...is in my
A B5
sight...when I take a bow...and say goodnight
The next verse is the same chord progression, only palm muted
Mo my momma momma mo my mum
Have you kept your eye your eye on your son
I know you've had problems your not the only one
but when your sugar left he left you on the run
Mo my momma momma mo my mum
take a look now what your boy has done
he's walking around like he's number one
he went downtown and he got him a gun
Don't shoot shoot shoot that thing at me
You know you got my sympathy
but don't shoot shoot shoot that thing at me
This is the guitar solo that they play on the first album. The version on
"Add It Up(1981-1993)" is different, I know, in that this and the outro solo
are a lot longer. If someone wants to figure out that version I'd love to
see it. However, at present this is all that's available. You'll have to
figure out the timing but I think you'll find that it's really not that tough.
guitar solo(light distortion)-
(gradual release)
(1/2 step)
(1/2 step)
In your broken down kitchen at the top of the stairs
Can I mix in with your affairs
Share a smoke
Make a joke
Grasp and reach for a leg of hope
Words to memorize
Words hypnotize
Words make my mouth exercise
Words all fail the magic prize
Nothing I can say when I'm in your thighs
Mo my momma momma mo my mother
I would love to love you lover
The city's restless it's ready to pounce
it go here in your bedroom ounce for ounce
Said I'm giving you a decision to make
Things to lose, things to take
Just as she was about ready to cut it up
She said wait a minute honey I'm gonna Add it up
I'm gonna Add it up
Add it up
See what you got you gotta
Add it up
Day after day
I get angry and I will say
that the day is in my sight
when I take a bow and say goodnight
The guitar part on the outro doesn't sound that difficult or significant.
For the most part, it just sounds like the guitar is freely moving up and
down the neck around the seventh fret on the E,B and G strings. This part is
bass dominated anyway so it really shouldn't matter what you play.
Regardless of what you end up playing, end the song on B5.
That's it. Have a great time playing it and e-mail me if you have any
questions or comments.
symbols used in transcription:
b = bend
r = release
joue également ..