[B] [E] Would you [A]risk your reputa[E]tion
[B] [E] I don't [A]know
[B] [E] You just [A]don't know what you're say[E]ing
[B] [E] Any[A]more
[B] [E] You know [A]beggers can't be choo[E]sers
[B] [E] And it's [A]fair
[B] [E] When we [A]win we may be lo[E]sers
[B] [E] I don't [A]care... [B]no, no, no
Oh, [E]baby, I [B]just can't stand another [A]lonely night
[B] So come over and [E]save me
[B]Save me from another [A]lonely night [B]
[B] [E] I hear [A]every word your say[E]in'
[B] [E] They're all [A]lies
[B] [E] But with [A]every breath your ta[E]king
[B] [E] Your [A]thinking of ways to [B]say goodnight
Oh now, [E]baby, I [B]just can't stand another [A]lonely night
[B] So come over and [E]save me,
[B]Save me from another [A]lonely night [B]
[E]Baby, I [B]just can't stand another [A]lonely night
[B] So come over and [E]save me, [B] [A] [B]
[E]Baby, I [B]just can't stand another [A]lonely night
[B] So come over and [E]save me, [B] [A] [B]
Oh now, [E]baby, I [B]just can't stand another [A]lonely night
[B] So come over and [E]save me,
[B]Save me from another [A]lonely night [B]... [E]
Textes des accords ADAMS BRYAN Lonely Nights. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions