All's quiet, except for this song.
(G)So maybe while I'm not together I can feel like I'm not alone.
(D) (G)And somewhere off in the distance, rapidly advancing, is an onslaught of sorts.
Young sirens wail with a skewed sense of glory.
(G)And the lions in the cages roar at the memory of flight.
And there's a joy, a joy in all I can see.
(G) (D)(G)A joy, in every possibility.
And all around this is a great, great feeling.
American rockets red-glared our most
disgusting triumph.
And in passing I am asked "Do you believe in a God?",
(G) (A)I shrug off the answer and continue to get high in this terror of no explanation.
(G)I am looking for a faith.
My panic is an only reason.
And there's a joy, a joy in all I can see.
(G)A joy, in every possibility.
Textes des accords AGAINST ME! A Joy In All I Can See. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions