What are you doing tonight
D C D G CI wish I could be a fly on your wall
E D GAre you really alone
Still in your dreams
C D E7 DWhy can't I bring you into my life
C D E7 CWhat would it take to make you see that I'm alive
Chorus E7 D G DD C D G
If I was invisible
C D GThen I could just watch you in your room
If I was invisible
C D GI'd make you mine tonight
C G D GIf hearts were unbreakable
Then I can just tell you where I stand
D C GI would be the smartest man
GIf I was invisible
(Wait..I already am) E7 D G D
I saw your face in the crowd
D CI called out your name
D CYou don't hear a sound
I keep tracing your steps
D CEach move that you make
D C D CWish I could be what goes through your mind
Wish you could touch me with the colors of your life
I reach out
But you don't even see me
CEven when I scream out
C D CBaby, you don't hear me
I am nothing without you
D C DJust a shadow passing through...
[ Repeat Chorus 2 times] E7 D G D G
Textes des accords AIKEN CLAY Invisible 2. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions