[A]Where's the [D]lady and the [D]time I used to [A]know
I [D]think that I've been [A]on the road too [D]long
[A]Scenes of [D]better days are [D]pictured in my [A]head
And [D]haunting me those [A]old familiar [D]songs [D]
[F#m]Oh sweet [E]Jesus hear me [D]cry
[F#m]Let me [E]see a clearing [D]sky
[D]For to[E]morrow I may [A]be back home a[D]gain
[A]So take the [E]shadow from my [D]eyes
[A]Sunday [D]morning comes I'm [D]feeling kind of [A]down
I [D]can't see back to [A]where it all be[D]gan
[A] And I [D]know you'd help me [D]if you only [A]could
I [D]don't know [A]why or where or [D]who I am [D]
[F#m]Oh sweet [E]Jesus hear me [D]cry
[F#m]Let me [E]see a clearing [D]sky
[D]For to[E]morrow I may [A]be back home a[D]gain
[A]So take the [E]shadow from my [D]eyes
Chords during solo:
[F#m]Oh sweet [E]Jesus hear me [D]cry
[F#m]Let me [E]see a clearing [D]sky
[D]For to[E]morrow I may [A]be back home a[D]gain
[A]So take the [E]shadow from my [D]eyes
[F#m]Take the [E]shadow from my [A]eyes
Textes des accords BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST Sweet Jesus. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions