Chord Define
D?2 000565
D?3 000343
D?4 000454
D?5 000787
D?6 0009109
D?7 000141514
D D?2 D?3 D
D D?2 D?4 D
Verse 1
I didnt sleep that much last night
Bm F#Didnt sleep at all
Bm F#Fallen into a scary place
Falling with no control
D D?2 D?3 D
Watching from that lonely place remembering the past
D D?2 D?4 D
Coming from that lonely place to live among the stars
Verse 2
She drives me wild but she dont know
Bm F#That I even Hold a Flame
Bm F#I hang on every word she says
And she dont even know my name
Verse 3
Bm F#
So Came Over To Tell You
Bm F#That I love you do you feel the same?
So Came Over To Tell You
Em F#That I love you and this is my name
Chorus 2
Is it love if you can't explain it
C BmWhat is love I think I know
C BmIs love a special feeling
From your head down to your toes
Verse 4
Bm F#I know love and I can explain it
When you find love then you will know
Bm F#Love is a special feeling
Em F#I can tell you cos I really know
Verse 5
Bm F#
Thwas something there, you can't deny it
Bm F#Such a shame you couldn't show
The real person deep inside you
Em F#I guess we'll never know
Chorus rift to end
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