Verse (G Em G Em)
GSing a pretty love song
Sing it straight from your heart
G'Cause these pretty love songs
EmThey're what keep us alive
Chorus (C Bm7 C Bm7)C Bm7
And we know they lie
C D GBut we'll always try to
Verse (G Em G Em)
Sing pretty love songs
Sing them straight from the heart
'Cause these pretty love songs
They're what keep us alive
Chorus (C Bm7 C Bm7)
Yes we know they lie
But everyone likes that
Verse (G Em G Em)
Don't speak of the truth
Just make an excuse
Verse (G Em G Em)
'Cause these pretty love songs
They're what keep us alive
Chorus (C Bm7 C Bm7)
Yes we know they're shit
But we like the hits
Verse (G Em G Em)
So sing a pretty love song
Sing it straight from your heart
'Cause these pretty love songs
They're what keep us alive
They're what keep us alive
Textes des accords BLAKE PERRY Pretty Love Song. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions