. CHORDS (verse): E E EE GGGGG (and repeat)
Lyrics: Snowflakes running over my hair, goosebumpin'g leather.
If I'm, Hungry! at four thirty in the morning,
thank god will deliver
And I'm OH! so tired!
with you pushin' that on the ground
down under my head so hard
my knees are two inches in the ground
and I said,
Chorus: (chords: D DDD A)
God damn!
God damn that bible pushin' man!
verse 2: (the main guitar rhythm is played for this verse too and
you begiun playing it on the word "man" in the last line of the chorus)
You know I've,
smoked a lot of grass
and I've,
and I've popped a lot of pills
but I ain't never done nothing,
that my spirit couldn't kill
and I,
walk around
with these tombstones in my eyes!
but I know the pusher don't care
If you live or if you die
and I said,
God damn...
God damn, God damn, God damn, God damn!!!!!
then the solo rips in, I've never tried to tab it though
Have fun with this beautiful, fun, and extremely
rockin' song
Textes des accords BLIND MELON The Pusher. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions