Chords used:
E A B (these aren't the right names, but you get the point)
Verse 1:
Goodbye to me and you, goodbye to the life we knew
B E BOne last long embrace, let go and walk on through
E A ELeaving everthing behind for a peace that I can't find
The ghosts that roam this house- like winter air right through our souls
And it feels like dying
It just feels like time to go
E,B x4
Verse 2:
Goin' down south to dream another dream
E BMaybe check out Memphis Tennesee
E A ETake the night train and an extra pair of jeans
Can't think of anthing else I really need
A E BAll my experiences ride with me
E,B x4
Verse 3: (for this verse the guitar just does a high e power chord but i'll include the bass notes w/ "()" )
E A E BThis town is dead to me, and I can't stop chasing my dreams
E A E B EI love you more than anything, but what you want I could never be
(E,B x2)
E A E B EI love you more than anything, but only alone can we both be free
E,B x2, E
E A EGoodbye to me and you, goodbye to the life we knew
One last long embrace, let go and walk on through
Textes des accords BOUNCING SOULS Night Train. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions