Chords Used:
Intro A D A D
People talk about changing the weather
A DBut I ain't seen nothing changing yet
A DBut I hope that it's moving for the better
'Cause I still see people getting all wet
CHORUS: It's alright. . .it's alright. . .
A D (tacet)
It's alright. . .it's just a little bit insane
A D E (tacet)
To want to stand in the middle of the night...
In the pourin' rain
A D A DIn the pourin' rain. . .in the pourin' rain
I see people moving from the northside
A DAnd I see people moving east to west
I don't think I like it from the outside
A DSo I think we got to do what's best
D C#m
Everybody knows the feeling--so do I
Your nickels and your dimes don't make change
D C#mBut I think it's time for healing instead of lies
Bm E7I think it's time to rearrange...
INSTRUMENTAL (over these chords...): | A | D | A | D |
People talk about changing the weather
A DBut I ain't seen nothing changing yet
A DBut I hope we're moving for the better
'Cause I still see people getting all wet
It's alright. . .it's alright. . .it's alright. . .
D (tacet)
It's just a little bit insane
A D E (tacet)
To want to stand in the middle of the night...
A D E (tacet)
Stand in the middle of the night. . .
AIn the pouring rain
Textes des accords CALOBO Pouring Rain. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions