[Actually in A; capo 2.]
[I'm unsure about the pre-chorus and bridge, where I've written
F/A F/A Am Am. It might in fact be Am Am F/A F/A. Frankly, it
sounds okay either way. See which sounds best for you.]
G F Am Am G F Am Am
G D/F# C/E C
Everywhere I see the signs, pointing one direction
G D/F# C/E CNo more twists or crooked turns, leaving room for doubt
Where I used to take the time for quiet and reflection
G D/F# C/E CNow I only hear the noise of what I am without
G G C(9)/G C(9)/G
I see them walking hand in hand, and my eyes just want to linger
G G C(9)/G C(9)/GOn those golden wedding bands, wrapped around their fingers
By the time I turn away, I feel it once again
G D/F# Am7 CI'm back in this familiar place, outside looking in
G D/F# Am7 C
Baby, all the tears between us couldn't fill the spaces
And all the word we grasped at, they just fell away
I kept waiting on forgiveness to fix the broken places
But nothing even like it ever came my way
And tonight I drove around, and the street came up before me
I took a turn and then I found this old house coming toward me
I heard the sound a heart must make when a memory's caving in
Oh baby, what a hungry place, outside looking in
It's the hardest kind of need that never knows a reason
G G C(9)/G C(9)/GAre we such a lonely breed, or just born in a lonely season
F/A F/A Am AmBaby, it's all in the eyes, it's where the reckoning begins
It's where we linger like a sigh, it's where we long to be pulled in
F/A F/A Am Am(?)
It's where we learn to say goodbye without saying anything
G D/F# Am7 CStanding on the borderline, outside looking in
G D/F# Am7 C G D/F# Am7 C
[instrumental; repeat and fade]
Textes des accords CARPENTER MARY CHAPIN Outside Looking In. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions