Chords used:
F# - 244322B - X24442Intro F# - B
I stand alone in the harbour
F# BAnd look out on the bay
F# BThe wind and rain makes it harder
No one braves the storm today
F# BDistant bells and the gulls cry familiar sounds
F# BMy clothes are damp from the spray
The air is cold but my feet are even colder
F# BThe boats are where they're going to stay
ChorusE C#mI never thought I'd ever worry about the weather
E C#mI never used to care
But it becomes too real when it provides the meals
E C#mFor you and many far away
Then repeat the verse and chorus chords
This comes after the second chorus, and I'm not entirely sure what he says. Sounds like
on the outside", but anyways, the chords are A and B.
Textes des accords COLIN HAY Fishermans Friend. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions