Bm e x F# e x Bm* played for e x
a x a 4 "ain't so far" a 2
d 4 d 4 part in chorus d 4
For the first verse, you can either slightly palm mute the chords, or
play each individual note in the chord in ascending-descending pattern.
From the chorus on, the chords are played fully.
D A Bm G
Please come now--I think I'm falling-I'm holding on to all I think
D A Bm Gis safe---It seems I've found the road to nowhere--and I'm trying to
escape---I yelled back when I heard thunder--but now I'm down to one
D A Bm Glast breath---and with it let me say--let me say
Hold me now----I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking---maybe
F# Bm Gsix feet---ain't so far down.
I'm looking down---now that it's over-reflecting on all of my
D A Bm Gmistakes---I thought I found the road to somewhere--somewhere in His
D A Bm G Dgrace---I cried out--heaven save me--but I'm down to one last breath---
and with it let me say--let me say. (GO TO CHORUS 2x)
Em G D A Bm
Sad eyes follow me----but I still believe there's-something left for
me----So please come stay with me----'Cause I still believe there's
Bm Gsomething left for you and me-for you and me-for you and me.
(Play D-F#-Bm-G pattern once more)
palm muted
D F# Bm G
Hold me now----I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking...
Finish (Slowly)
D A Bm GPlease come now--I think I'm falling-I'm holding on to all I think is
Textes des accords CREED One Last Breath. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions