Standard tuning: Capo 5th fret
Chords used, relative to the capo:
G - 320033Hammer on on the A string on the G chord and the D string on the C chord. You can hear it when you listen.
Verse 1:
G Cadd9 G Cadd9 (a couple of hammer ons)
Lonely soldier go home
G Cadd9 GLonely but never alone
Good eyes, see nothing to shoot
G/F# Em7 Cadd9 GGood feet, feel good giving up good boots
Verse 2:
So ask your father how'd you fall
G Cadd9 GSo ask your father how'd you fall
G/F# Em7 Cadd9 GLike a leaf, sitting on the ground
G/F# Em7 Dsus2 G
Good for nothing, except kicking around
ChorusG Cadd9 G
She died with her hands stretched out
Cadd9 GShe died with a hungry mouth
She died with her mind, full of doubt
D/Dsus2/Dsus4/Dand thoughts of weakening
Cadd9 Gso may your river never dry
and may your mouth never lie
Cadd9 Gmay you be satisfied, to never know why
C D(2)Sometimes, someone just wants to die
Textes des accords DAMIEN RICE Lonely Soldier. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions