Tuning: Normal
To start out this song, tap the A string a lot and then just jump in. This song
is really hard to tab because of the heavy distortion so email me if I've messed
/-------------Part A-------------\ /-----------Part B--------------\
Am G D E G Am G D Am C Ge|-00000-0--33333-3---22202-22233-0-3-00000-0--33333-3---22202-0-00-033-|
\-play twice-/
Part A
Part B
You want for nothing
AThats what you decide
BAlways on always gone
Cause you all want nothing
AThats you inside
BAlways good always on
And you only want nothing
For yourselves
Always want the other side
You could be trying
Am G E
Its enough to always try thats a life for you
Any cause that you wanna do
What thats all fine
Except for anything that you do to me
And you want for nothing
You want for nothing
Cause you want for nothing
Textes des accords DANDY WARHOLS Nothing Lifestyle Of A Tortured Artist For Sale. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions