Chords used:
(E) xx6454C#m x46654Main riff:
E --5--5--4--5--5--4--
B --------------------
Play this riff throughout the verses.
(E) C#m B A E C#m B A E (E)
'Why are ..' to '..out of sight'
C#m B A E (x2)'Oh, don't ..' to ' won't show'
'But you keep ..' to '..for disguise'
C#m B A E (x2)'But there's no need..' to '..shown'
(E)'So keep ..' to '..never-ending streets'
'One day ..' to '..try'
(E)'Just spread ..' to '..ties you down'
C#m B A E (x2)'How do you feel..' to '..grave'
'So why ..' to '..right on through'
C#m B A E (x2)Textes des accords DAN FOGELBERG Ghosts. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions