Intro: G - A2*- Am7/Am7* - C* - G (This is where the bass pattern comes in.
Also very very simple to pick up)
Crossing my eyes and making faces
I hope we don't go to too many places
'Cos then before I go to sleep
I'll wonder exactly what she means when......
When she says, that I aaaammmm..
I am too shy
(Bass Picking part starts again here 2 x's)
Verse's 2 and 3 are exactly the same chords.
Verse 2
Finding a way to stay inside
She always asks me, am I having a good time?
Come in here where the band is playing
Are you coming along, or are you staying?
Well I'm fine, I'm fiiiiinnnee..
Fine quit asking
Instrumental Bridge (starts with bass picing part)
g - C - g - Am7/Am7* - C* - g - C - g - F/C*
G - C - G - Am7/Am7* - C* - G - C - G - (bass picking part)
Verse 3
It's the hardest thing to greet her friends
I always feel like I have to entertain them
All alone with the jokes that I forget
Someone's boyfriend damned the TV set
Well I live, I liiiivvee.....
I live in a shytown
Well I live, yea I liiivvvee....
I live in a shytown.
Bass Picking Pattern. (on G chord)
Textes des accords ELLIOTT SMITH Shytown. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions