Capo 4
This was one of the first songs I learned and it's my favourite on Drawn From Memory.
Fingerpick for authenticity!
Intro F G
C Am Em
Whenever you reach up to the stars
hold on to your head, it wont take long
Amuntil you can see the doubt in
F Fmaj7 Gthe people you've leaned on.
But angels rush in where all those fools
F G Cfear to tread, afraid they'd lose.
AmBut you never lost your beauty,
Although you lost your hope.
And you made no mistake,
C C/B Am F Fmaj7 G CThat you couldn't wash away with liar's tears pouring down your face.
C F Em F Fmaj7
C Am Em
Whenever we meet you say you've changed,
Like its some gift you're not the same.
Am F Fmaj7 GBut you're just the cat who's landed back on her feet again.
F Fmaj7 G
Cos you made no mistake,
C C/B Am F Fmaj7 G C C/BThat can't be washed away with liar's tears pouring down your face.
With liar's tears pouring down your face.
Textes des accords EMBRACE Liars Tears. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions