I tabbed this one just by watching the video, they show most of the chords
while playing in that bar...So I pieced them together and added 1 or 2 myself.
Its pretty simple.......well here it is, ENJOY!!!
Main Chords: C G F Am
Intro is played the same as the whole song...C G F
Verse 1
[C]she roles the[G]window[F]down, and [C]she talks[G] over the[F] sound.
of the[C] cars that[G] pass us[F] by and I dont know[C] why, but[G] shes changed my[F] mind
Chorus 1[C]Look at her how she[G] looks at me she got me[F] thinking about her[G] constantly,
but[Am] she dont[G] know how I[F] feel. Im [Am]crazy[G] for this[F] girl
Repeat verses and chorus the same way.....and thats it. sorry I dont have all the lyrics but I couldnt
find them...
Textes des accords EVAN AND JARON Crazy For This Girl. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions