I'm a man of the road, and I got no fixed abode,
G C DNo stranger to hard times.
G D G DWhat I own is on my back, and they call me Crooked Jack,
What you see is what you find.
Em C G DWell I've had my share of luck and happiness,
Em C G DOn many a feathered bed I've been undressed,
A'hundred girls I asked a'hundred times,
Em C G DWon't you come with me won't you be mine,
Through Ireland we'll roam, Through Ireland we'll roam,
C G C DAnd if you won't come with me then I'll travel all alone,
G Bm C GThrough Ireland we'll roam, Through Ireland we'll roam,
No time for turning back, Crooked Jack.
Every man across the land would give an eye for Kitty's hand andbthe taste of her Moonshine.
Made ya' dance made ya' sing made ya' fit for anything
And I nearly lost my mind.
Well I love that woman but I love her Whiskey more, and when the law came knocking on her door, she said
Crooked Jack am gonna say this just one time,
won't you come with me won't you be mine,
Textes des accords GOATS DONT SHAVE Crooked Jack. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions