Play E over and over.
E A ESpider has eight legs you know
E A ESpins its web the patterns flow
There's something in my eye
Bloodshot in disguise
F#God knows I really tried
E AMaking the big time
Aiming to climb high
Scattered seeds can't fight the cold
Circus horse just wants to hold
There's something in my eye
Bloodshot in disguise
God knows I'm really tired
Let's make the big time
Aiming to climb high
Let's make the big time
Aiming to climb high
Aiming to climb high
Spider has eight legs you know
Textes des accords HARCOURT ED Something In My Eye. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions