Chords: F#, A, D, C
Firstly, it opens with this riff:
In which the b\ is a slight blues bend (not pitch spec.) and the P is a pull
Then it's: (first 2 line with out any chords)
I've been trying to show you
Over and over
F# ALook at these my
Child bear- ing hips
F# ALook at these my
F# ARuby red ru- by lips
Look at these my
F# AWork strong arms and
F# AYouv'e got to see my
Bottleful of charms
F# ALay it all
F# AAt your feet, you
Turn around and say
F# ABack to me She said
F# ASheila-na-g- ig
Sheila-na-g- i-ig
F# AYou ex-a-
F# Abitionist
You exibitionist
(Rep: Sheila bit 2 times then:)
D A CPut Money in your idle hole and:
He said Wash your face
F# AI don't want to be unclean
F# AHe said Please take your
Dirty pillows away from me
Textes des accords HARVEY P J Sheila Na Gig. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions