Key C
{Define Fmaj7 133210, Cmaj7 332000}
Fmaj7 Cmaj7 Fmaj7 Cmaj7
1. Whip poor will'| sing - ing | soft sum-mer| breeze
Fmaj7 Cmaj7 Fmaj7makes me think of my| bay - by I | left down in New Or -|
Cmaj7 Fmaj7 Cmaj7
leans. | I left down in New Or-| leans
(2nd verse follows same progression)
2. Magnolia, you sweet thing
you're driving me mad
Got to get back to you baby
You're the best I ever had.
You're the best I ever had.
Am G Am GYou whisper, "Good | morning", | so gently in my |ear
I'm coming home to | you babe.| I'll soon be |there.
Fmaj7 | Cmaj7 | (Solo: Am7 G Am G Am G
I'll soon be |there. | Fmaj7 Cmaj7 Fmaj7)
(Repeat 2nd verse.)
Ending: (Repeat and fade)
Fmaj7 CYou're the best I ever had___|
Textes des accords J. J. CALE Magnolia. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions