Play the chords as follows:
C x32033 <-- actually Cadd9
C/B x22033 <-- name this chord please
G 320033 <-- name this chord please
D xx0323INTRO
C C G C C G C C G D D C/B C x 2
I know you don't trust a thing that I say - that's ok
C G C GYou've seen thing build and watched them end
All I want is to be your friend
C G C G C G D C/B CLife is too short to play games, make false claims, live under chains
C G C GSo build new things without plans
Slowly now, give me your hand
C A/C# D
First I take a little then I give a lot to you
G A/C# CAnd it breaks my heart to see you smiling
Every time I tell the truth
C C G C C G C C G D D G C C G C C G C C GYeah It's allright if you would only take the time
D D C C G C GTo get to know me better
Now you trust what I say
C G D C/B CI knew the day would come soon enough
C G C GSo when you ask then you'll receive
But you smile like you don't really believe
C C G C C G C C G D D D several times while yelling "Get to know me!"
Textes des accords JACKOPIERCE Get To Know Me Better. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions