there are two guitars
one: capo on the third fret(all chords given are named as if the fourth
fret was the first, so pretend like there was no capo)start on D-Em(with
fingers on the 1 and 2 string 6th fret (the real 6th fret)-G(with pinky
finger on 6th fret)
the D chord the Em chord the G chord
E---5----- ----6---- ----8----
B---6----- ----6---- ----6----
G---5----- ----3---- ----3----
D---3----- ----5---- ----3----
A---x----- ----5---- ----5----
E---x----- ----3---- ----6----
that is one guitar line, do not forget the capo it is impossible to play
without it the "and she said..." part is the same chords just D-Em pause
D-Em pause and the G on "hey, hey"
the second guitar is harder to explain all the chords follow the first part
so I'll just diagram the chords.
these are capo ed on the first fret
E---1----- ----1---- ----1----
B---1----- ----1---- ----1----
G---2---- ----3---- ----7----
D---3---- ----5---- ----8----
A---3---- ----5---- ----8----
E---1---- ----1---- ----1----
I know the form for that last chord is right but I might be a fret or Two
off because I ain't got me guitar here write if you got any ?s
Textes des accords JACKOPIERCE Vineyard. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions