Tired of in-just-ice, tired of the schemes, kind-a dis-gust-ed,
Am7/D G C G CSo what does it mean? Kick-ing me down, I got to get up,
G C Am7/Das jacked as it sounds, the whole sys-tem sucks.
Peek in the sha-dow, come in-to the light,
G C Am7/Dyou tell me I'm wrong, then you bet-ter prove you're right.
G CYou're sell-ing out souls but
I care a-bout mine, I've got to get strong-er,
Am7/Dand I won't give up the fight.
E Am7 DWith such con-fu-sion, don't it make you wan-na scream.
Your bash a-busin' vic-tim-ize with-in the scheme.
Cmaj9 Bm7You try to cope with ev-ery lie they scru-tin-ize. Some-bod-
Am7 Am7/D-y please have mer-cy 'cause I just can't take it.
Stop pres-sur-in' me, just stop pres-sur-in' me. Stop pres-sur-in' me,
Am7/D G C G Cmake me want to scream. Stop pres-sur-in’ me, just stop pres-sur-in’ me.
G C Am7/DStop pres-sur-in’ me, make you just wan-na scream.
Tired of you tell-in’ the stor-y your way.
G C Am7/DIt’s caus-in’ con-fus-ion, you think it’s o-kay.
G C G CKeep chang-in’ the rules, while you’re play-in’ the game.
I can’t take it much long-er, I think I might go in-sane.
E Am7 DWith such con-fus-ion, don’t it make you wan-na scream.
E Am7 DYour bash a-bus-in’ vic-tim-ize with-in the scheme.
You find your plea-sure scan-dal-iz-in’ ev-ery lie. Oh fa-
Am7 Am7/D-ther, please have mer-cy ‘cause I just can’t take it.
G C G CStop pres-sur-in’ me, just stop pres-sur-in’ me.
Stop pres-sur-in’ me, make me want to scream.
G C G CStop pres-sur-in’ me, just stop pres-sur-in’ me.
G C Am7/DStop f@#!-*%$ with me, make me wan-na scream.
Oh, my God, can’t be-lieve what I saw as I turned on the T. V. this eve-ning.
Em7/AI was dis-gust-ed by all the in-just-ice. (All the injustice.)
Em7 Am7
Am7/D for 5 measures
With such col-lu-sions, don’t it make you wan-na scream.
E Am7 DYour bash a-bus-in’ vic-tim-ize with-in the scheme.
Cmaj9 Bm7You try to cope with ev-ery lie they scru-tin-ize. Oh broth-
-er, please have mer-cy ‘cause I just can’t take it.
Em7 Am7 Em7 Am7Stop pres-sur-in’ me, just stop pres-sur-in’ me.
Em7 Am7 Am7/DStop pres-sur-in’ me, make me want to scream.
Stop pres-sur-in’ me, Just stop pres-sur-in’ me.
Em7 Am7 Am7/DStop pres-sur-in’ me, make me want to scream.
Textes des accords JACKSON MICHAEL Scream. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions