The marionette has your number
Am C GIt pullin your arms and legs till you can't stand on your own
Am C GDragging your conscience on the stage and you heart gets rearranged
And you cannot tell your mentor from your maker
Am C GLook at the crowds bleeding with laughter
Am C GOver the way you entertain at beckon call
They don't see behind the lights or the painted background
Am C GThey just like to see you fall
But you don't really mind
C Am C GCause you're just wasting time
C Am C GYou can't feel anything
Just a boy on a string
Am C GI feel a sadness like Gapetto
Watching the life that he created run away,
Am C GSeeing the puppeteer's intrusion and holding the remains
Am C GOf puppets that had rotted away
One day the curtain will not open
Am C GAnd all of the crowds will go away
Am C GSomeday those strings will choke you
But until that day
Textes des accords JARS OF CLAY Boy On A String. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions